Development and necessity of project “Revival of Ancient Historical and Cultural Corridors”, ref. № CB005.2.21.123
The Association for Promoting and Tourism of Edirne (ETTDER), Turkey implements a cross-border cooperation project in partnership with Municipality of Harmanli, Bulgaria. Project “Revival of Ancient Historical and Cultural Corridors”, ref. № CB005.2.21.123 with Subsidy Contract № РД-02-29-182/23.07.2019 is implemented within Priority axis 2 Tourism and Specific objective 2.1. Increasing the touristic attractiveness of the cross-border area through better utilisation of natural, cultural and historical heritage and related infrastructure of the Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria–Turkey Programme, CCI No 2014TC16I5CB005.
Project “Revival of Ancient Historical and Cultural Corridors”, ref. № CB005.2.21.123 is developed in full compliance with four main cooperation criteria – joint development, joint implementation, joint staffing and joint financing. The project was developed with the participation and input of both partners – the Municipality of Harmanli and the Association for Promoting and Tourism of Edirne (ETTDER). The joint development is accompanied by planned joint activities on the territory of the two partner countries, as well as joint project management through a joint team with representatives of each of the beneficiaries and a common project budget with a balanced allocation of resources.
The successful realization of project “Revival of Ancient Historical and Cultural Corridors”, ref. № CB005.2.21.123 has a serious cross-border impact and benefits for the regions of each project partner. The cross-border territory between Bulgaria and Turkey has been the crossroad of civilizations for centuries. One of the most popular cultural, historical and transport corridors crossing the territory is the Diagonal Road. This cultural and commercial corridor is one of the most ancient arteries of cross-border and even global significance. Its balanced development is essential for the cross-border territory. Tourism and trade are the two most developed sectors of the economy. The main objective of this project is to strengthen the cross-border cooperation capacity of Edirne and Harmanli communities in the field of sustainable tourism along the Diagonal Road, in order to strengthen European territorial cohesion in the cross-border area.
One of the specific objectives of the project is to increase the tourist attractiveness of the cross-border cities of Harmanli and Edirne by better protecting, using and promoting the common cultural heritage along the Diagonal Road. The other objective of the project is to promote cross-border cooperation and problem solving in the field of sustainable tourism between tourism responsible stakeholders in Edirne and Harmanli. This project enhances the capacity for cooperation between university professors and students in Edirne, museum experts from Edirne and Harmanli, specialists from the Local Tourism Department of Government and Tourism Information Office of Edirne, representatives of non-governmental organizations in tourism, municipal experts and tourism specialists through knowledge and transfer of know-how in preserving and promoting the common cultural heritage along the Diagonal Road. It also enhances the tourist appeal of the diagonal road by virtually reviving and preserving one of the most valuable and important cultural sites in the Bulgarian municipality of Harmanli – the Humpback Bridge.
At the same time the project applies new technologies of the integrated circuit for 3D virtual visual reconstructions of cultural and historical tourist sites in Edirne. These project results will support local authorities, tourism agencies and non-governmental organizations, tour operators and small and medium-sized enterprises in the tourism industry to provide higher quality tourism products. The increased attractiveness of the three tourist sites (with 3D reconstruction) in Edirne and one in Harmanli (with restoration and conservation) will lead to an increased number of tourist visits to the maintained sites and better use of the cultural and historical resources along the Diagonal Road. The project is co-funded by the European Union through the Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria– Turkey Programme, CCI No 2014TC16I5CB005.
**This publication has been produced the assistance of the European Union throughthe Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria -Turkey Programme, CCI No 2014TC16I5CB005. The contents of thispublication are the sole responsibility of Association for Promoting and Tourism of Edirne (ETTDER) and can in no way be takento reflect the views of the European Union or the Managing Authority and the National Authority of the Programme.